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At the moment, the market is acutely aware of the need for qualified personnel, and consulting companies can undertake a complete analysis of the state of the company, training, training, personnel rotation, development of measures and programs, anti-crisis management and much more, thereby solving a set of tasks at once systemically.

When a crisis hits, most owners ask themselves what to do? Close or seek a solution? Those businessmen who have not yet emotionally burned out start looking for ways to survive. That is, in a crisis, people come to us aiming at results. We are their last hope. In normal times, only forward-thinking executives with a vision for further growth hire consultants to increase their market share, order trainings, encourage employee training. Through an integrated approach, we provide services that can solve the problems of the "financial crisis".

All information received from the client and taken in the course of work is not transferred anywhere. It is confidential, which is enshrined in the terms of the contract with the company.

Our company is focused on the needs of the client. We can use both an integrated approach to the problem, the implementation of the entire range of services, and its solution in a narrow specialization.

The correctness of the problem statement is fundamental. Therefore, it is important here to analyze the state of the business today. All the information received is analyzed, based on this, a plan of recommendations for the diagnosed processes is formed. After analyzing business processes, a work plan for their optimization is being prepared, which is coordinated with the heads of the company and only after the approval of the approval begins its implementation.

The conclusion of an agreement, as well as the execution of an order form for the provision of services, is primarily necessary for the customer himself, since this documentation provides a legal platform, which means confidence in the responsibility of our company, and therefore in the quality of the services provided. Such technical documents help us to correctly understand the requirements of the customer company, which means to optimize efforts for the quality execution of the task.

Investment consulting - assistance to a client in choosing a method of attracting external financing, finding a future investor / investors, structuring an investment attraction operation, assistance directly in carrying out such an operation, etc.

In the case of legal consulting, legal issues are resolved. Experts will help you draw up a contract correctly, think over all of its points, choose a line of conduct in court, resolve issues with licenses, etc. All data received by experts from the company will be completely confidential.

Consulting services can depend on the scope of the enterprise and include the following aspects:

  • Audit;
  • Legal issues;
  • Investment issues;
  • Taxation issues;
  • Finance;
  • Management staff;
  • IT consulting;
  • Small business consulting;
  • Advertising issues, etc.

Tax consulting designed to optimize the taxation of branches, representative offices, subsidiaries of your company. Our specialists can fully process the company's tax liabilities, thus replacing entire departments of employees who need to be hired on a regular basis.

  • Tax expertise of transactions, which allows assessing all tax consequences and risks of a particular transaction, investment operation at the stage of its planning;
  • Settlement of tax disputes in the event of claims from the tax authorities, including the use of all measures of pre-trial settlement, as well as representation in litigation;
  • Tax risk management, i.e. forecasting, assessing the tax risks of your business in Russia, building a system for their elimination and minimization;
  • Consulting assistance on all issues of taxation of your business and individual assets in Russia.

Investment consulting services offered to foreign clients include:

  1. Evaluation of the investment project, which is carried out from the point of view of economic efficiency and the feasibility of investing in its implementation;
  2. Development of business plans for the implementation of an investment project in accordance with international standards and / or the requirements of a particular investor / lender;
  3. Marketing research of markets for the production and sale of products, works, services of the CIS countries, the EU;
  4. Branding, rebranding, positioning of your company in the markets of Russia and EU countries;
  5. Development of a marketing strategy to promote your goods, works, services in the markets of Russia and the EU;
  6. Expertise of business plans for investment projects.

The offered consulting services in the field of management consulting may cover all aspects of the production and economic activities of the Russian branch, subsidiary of Your company or its individual areas, including: production policy, marketing and sales, logistics, organizational structure and personnel, finance and investment.


  1. Strategic consulting, which determines the business model of your business for the future.
  2. Marketing consulting to improve sales efficiency.
  3. Organizational development, in order to form an optimal business structure in Russia, in which the maximum return of the personnel involved will be ensured.
  4. Interim management (interim management) is not limited to practical recommendations: a qualified manager is sent to the business of a foreign client in Russia or the EU, who will carry out transformations on the spot, ultimately ensuring the achievement of the planned effect and making a reserve for the future.
  5.  Complex consulting projects developed individually for our foreign partners will help to increase the manageability, efficiency, and competitiveness of business in Russia and the EU at all stages of its implementation.

Legal consulting is a whole range of services that covers many areas of activity: from the application of legislation to the development of a strategy of behavior in certain situations. These are detailed consultations and elaborated complex solutions in the commercial and economic sphere, in the capital market, in the field of corporate law, intellectual property, taxation, real estate and so on.

Legal consulting consists of:

  1. Legal support for the state registration of a legal entity in Russia and the EU during its creation, reorganization, liquidation, amendments to the constituent documents, including conducting a comprehensive independent examination of the business (due diligence) when supporting mergers, acquisitions and acquisitions.
  2. Assistance in the development of optimal schemes for building a business in Russia and the EU (including both the business model itself and the organizational and legal form of the company's activity, and its individual areas - taxation, investment methods, etc.).
  3. Development of projects and legal expertise of contracts concluded or already concluded by a foreign client, other documents of a legal nature to ensure their compliance with the requirements of Russian and international legislation.
  4. Oral and written advice to foreign clients on Russian civil, corporate, land, tax, labor, currency, customs, administrative and other branches of law.
  5. Protection and representation of the interests of a foreign company in the procedures of judicial and pre-trial settlement of disputes in Russia and the EU.
  6. Collection of receivables and losses associated with the failure of Russian counterparties to fulfill their contractual obligations.
  7. Protection of the company's business reputation, etc.
  8. Actions of any nature in accordance with international law related to the solution of your legal issues.

Financial Due diligence review is a comprehensive check of a company's financial condition in the context of its development prospects.

The range of services we perform includes:

  • Operational (ODueD) - designed to confirm the goals set by the business plan.
  • Financial (FDueD) - conducted for an objective assessment of the financial condition of the investment object, partners and counterparties.
  • Tax (TDueD) - representing tax due diligence of the transaction in order to prevent emerging tax risks.
  • Legal (LDueD) – designed to check all legal issues of the proposed transaction.
  • Marketing (CDueD) - used to assess the market positions of the investment object, counterparty, competitor.
  • IT (ITDueD) - allows you to objectively assess the information and technical support of the business.
  • Organizational (HCDueD) - used to assess the human resources of a company.

In short, HR consulting is the selection of qualified personnel and the development of a set of measures for effective personnel management.

In practice, consulting tasks are solved by the following methods:

  • The consulting company identifies the client's problems, analyzes all available solutions and proposes the most optimal one.
  • The consulting company provides comprehensive assistance to its client to jointly solve the problems that have arisen.
  • The consulting company develops a special methodology that is maximally adapted to specific conditions and conducts training for the client. Subsequently, the client will be able to independently solve managerial and other problems arising in the course of business.

Financial analysis:

  • Express diagnostics of the financial condition of the enterprise;
  • Comprehensive financial and economic analysis (using industry-specific methods and standards, as well as indicators recommended by government agencies);
  • Development of recommendations for increasing liquidity, stability, profitability (efficiency) of the business, as well as the most optimal use of the assets / resources of the enterprise;
  • Development of plans and comprehensive programs for financial recovery.

Financial management and business modeling is the development of electronic economic, mathematical and financial business models that allow:

  • Visualize the relationships between production, marketing, financial, and other business components.
  • Forecast cash flows and financial results.
  • Monitor the production and commercial activities of the enterprise.
  • On-line control and manage the movement of money, financial results.

Business value management includes:

  • Development of electronic models for determining the value of a company based on various approaches (profitable, costly, market).
  • Development of a list of key factors and assessment of the degree of their influence on the company's value.
  • Factor analysis and preparation of recommendations for the distribution of management efforts in order to increase the company's value.
  • Development and implementation of targeted management technology: MBO, BSC.

Tax optimization refers to the activities of an enterprise aimed at reducing taxes and pressure from government agencies. For its implementation, the current legislation and regulations, directly or indirectly related to taxation and the use of benefits, are constantly and comprehensively studied and analyzed. Optimization of tax payments is part of financial management. It lies at the heart of every promising and successful company, regardless of its field of activity.

A competent specialist should be engaged in tax optimization. He must have an understanding of production cycles and business processes, a deep knowledge of the current legislation. In his hands, optimization of the tax burden and increasing profits by reducing payments will be most effective. But it is not at all necessary that the company has a full-time employee who solves issues of tax planning and tax optimization. For this purpose, you can contact us. Our specialist will consider possible schemes, calculate options within the framework of the current legislation. As a result, you will be offered the optimal solution to reduce the tax burden.

There are two main ways to optimize taxes:

  1. Tax avoidance. Does not violate applicable law. The method is based on finding inaccuracies, inconsistencies and flaws in tax legislation. It uses the principle "everything is allowed, what is not prohibited by law".
  2. Tax planning. First of all, it is the choice of the optimal form of taxation. This also includes other actions aimed at reducing mandatory payments.

Tax planning means various options for choosing the optimal legal forms for organizing and conducting business, reducing taxes, placing assets, etc. Its purpose is to achieve minimum taxes within the framework of current legislation.

Tax planning is a variety of schemes and methods that are currently applied and take into account the current legislation. There are certain requirements for tax planning in an enterprise. It should be:

  1. Effective - aimed at achieving a specific financial goal and long-term profitable activity. All legal tax optimization techniques must be used to achieve maximum performance.
  2. Legal - in accordance with applicable law.
  3. Autonomous - not requiring outside assistance, implemented by the correct choice of the taxation system.
  4. Reliable - thoughtful and stable over time.
  5. Harmless - not harming either the company itself or its employees.
  6. Minimizing costs - reducing taxes and increasing profits, observing the principle of the golden mean.

To conduct a tax audit, you may need the following documents:

  1. Constituent documents.
  2. Accounting policies for accounting purposes.
  3. Accounting policy for tax accounting purposes.
  4. Primary documents.
  5. Registers of accounting and tax accounting.
  6. Results of property inventory.
  7. Acts of inspections by control bodies.
  8. Decisions of legislative and executive authorities (if there is a need for such).
  9. Decisions, orders and rulings of the judicial authorities (if any).
  10. Materials of previous audits, acts and expert opinions.
  11. Accounting and tax reporting.

When choosing the optimal taxation system, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. Directions of economic activity.
  2.  Applicable tax payment system.
  3.  Justification of the transition to a simplified scheme.
  4. The movement of funds and material assets in the company.
  5.  Reliability and completeness of reports.
  6.  Availability of a clear system of cash flows.
  7. Plans for raising capital and the possibility of its effective use.
  8.  The presence of problems in the company and ways to eliminate them.

Many schemes can be used for tax optimization, including:

  1. Combination of various modes.
  2. Transfer of activities to the subjects with lower rates (transfer of activities to offshore zones).
  3.  Application of benefits and installments for payments to the budget.
  4. Highlighting some areas of activity.
  5. Increasing the rates of depreciation of financial assets.
  6. Stricter cost control.
  7. System for checking the conscientiousness of counterparties and so on.

By carrying out tax optimization of the company, we guarantee:

  1. Deep analysis of the economy, the scheme of the enterprise, the management structure.
  2. Detailed study of all legislative acts related to the field of activity of the company.
  3. Development of an individual tax optimization template that is most effective for a particular company.
  4. Actions in full compliance with the laws: all decisions are jointly thought out and verified by financiers, lawyers and tax auditors.
  5. In addition to the tax optimization service, you will receive from our specialists effective advice on bookkeeping and tax accounting and reporting.

You'll get:

1. Reduction of financial costs and budgetary allocations.

2. Protection of business from claims from the Tax Service and law enforcement agencies.

3. Optimization of workflow.

4. Reducing the risk of tax crimes.

4. Stabilization of the enterprise economy.

The tax optimization services offered by our company are completely legal. In carrying out our activities, we are guided by the following principles:

  1. Legality. We offer business owners only those methods that will not arouse the suspicion of the tax service and law enforcement agencies (EU tax and law enforcement agencies)
  2. Efficiency. We work out our strategies for each business. Solutions are offered after in-depth analysis of the enterprise.
  3. Safety. By offering methods of tax optimization, we assess the risks for the owner of the company and try to minimize them.
  4. Longevity. Our tax optimization methods will save you money as long as there are no legislative changes.

A Nominee is, in fact, an outsider who, for a fee, will sign the necessary documents, including tax and other reports, and be present at various institutions and organizations if necessary.

A Beneficiary is a person who is the recipient of funds and to whom a monetary payment is made.

LLC founders are individuals and legal entities that have established a limited liability Company.

The concept of founders is applied at the time of the LLC's establishment. After LLC registration, the concept of LLC Participants is applied.

The members of the LLC can be both individuals and legal entities. Foreign citizens and legal entities can also be members of a limited liability Company.

Максимальна кількість учасників Товариства з обмеженою відповідальністю може бути НЕ більше 50-ти. ТОВ може бути засновано одним особою, яка ставати його єдиним учасником. Єдиним учасником ТОВ не може бути інша юридична особа.

У разі, якщо кількість учасників ТОВ у ході його діяльності перевищить допустиме значення, то  протягом року таке товариство повинно переформатуватися (змінити організаційно-правову форму) в відкрите акціонерне товариство або в виробничий кооператив.

LLC participants have the right to:

  • Participate in the management of the Company.
  • Receive information about its activities, as well as get acquainted with accounting documentation.
  • Participate in the distribution of profits in accordance with their shares in the authorized capital of the LLC.
  • Sell or alienate your share or part of it to the members of the Company or third parties (unless prohibited by the Charter).
  • In case of liquidation, receive part of the property.
  • Withdraw from the membership of the LLC by alienating your share to the Company (if such a possibility is provided for by the Charter).

LLC participants must:

  1. Pay for their shares in the authorized capital of the Company.
  2. Do not disclose information about the activities of the LLC.

As in the case of the rights of LLC participants, the list of duties can also be expanded. Additional responsibilities may be specified in the Charter or a Resolution of the General Meeting of Members may be adopted. If by the decision of the General Meeting additional responsibilities are imposed on a specific member of the company, then it is valid only if the specified member voted for such a decision and gave written consent. Removal of additional obligations occurs by the adoption of a unanimous Resolution by the General Meeting of LLC.

A legal entity (for us it is LLC) can act on the basis of a standard charter. Model charters will be developed and approved by an authorized body. And information that the LLC applies the standard charter will be entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and, accordingly, will be contained there.

The standard charter will almost one-to-one repeat the LLC Law and will not contain such information as:

  1. Name.
  2. Brand name.
  3. Location (information about the legal address).
  4. The size of the authorized capital.

The introduction of standard charters also entails a change in the registration procedure, a set of documents submitted to the "tax" for registration of LLC.

The form R11001 on the creation of a legal entity has been changed. It will have to include a section or paragraph (it is not yet clear what exactly will be), in which the number of the model charter will be affixed.

The introduction of model charters will entail changes in the law on state registration of legal entities, as well as in the content of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The authorized capital of an LLC is the amount of money that was invested by the founders at the time of the creation of the Company to ensure statutory activities. The authorized capital determines the minimum size of the LLC property, which guarantees the interests of creditors.

The legislation defines the minimum amount of the authorized capital of an LLC - 10,000 rubles. At the time of state registration, the authorized capital does not need to be paid. The maximum size of the authorized capital of an LLC is not defined by law.

If the number of members of the Company is more than one, then the authorized capital is divided into shares. The size of the participant's share in the authorized capital is determined as a percentage or as a fraction (for example, 50% or 1/2). The actual or actual value of the share of the participant corresponds to the same share (proportional share of the participant) of the value of the net assets of the LLC. That is, if the participant's share is 25%, and the size of the Company's net assets is 100 thousand rubles, then the actual value of the participant's share is 25,000 rubles.

The maximum size of the share of a participant, as well as the possibility of changing the ratio of shares of participants, may be limited by the Charter of the LLC. These restrictions cannot only apply to individual participants. Such a limitation may be provided initially, during the creation of the Company, or be introduced, changed or completely excluded from the Charter in the Charter in the future. The decision to make such changes to the Charter is taken at the General Meeting of the LLC by all participants unanimously.

The legislation provides for the possibility of payment of shares in the authorized capital of a Limited Liability Company in various ways:

  1. Money.
  2. Securities.
  3. Property (things).
  4. Property rights.
  5. Other rights that have a monetary value.

The charter of the company may determine the types of property that cannot be contributed to pay for shares.

At the time of submission of documents for state registration of an LLC to the registering authority (tax), the authorized capital does not need to be paid.

The authorized capital of the LLC must be paid up within 4 (four) months from the date of state registration. Each founder (after registration - a participant) must pay his share in the authorized capital during this period in full.

In case of non-payment or incomplete payment of the share on time, the unpaid part is transferred to the Company. Such part of the share within one year must be realized or distributed among the participants.

Quarterly, once every six months and once a year, LLC has the right to make a decision on the distribution of net profit among its members. In this case, the General Meeting of the LLC must make a decision, which indicates the amount (part) of the LLC's net profit, which is to be distributed.

The profit determined for distribution among the participants of the LLC is paid to each participant in proportion to his share in the authorized capital of the Company. The Charter of the Company may determine a different procedure for the distribution of profits between the participants.

It makes sense to buy a ready-made business if you need to demonstrate to a future partner that your company is an experienced player in the market, has a positive reputation in its circles, an accumulated material and technical base, you can do business with such a company without any fear. A ready-made business is also worth buying if the type of entrepreneurial activity involves obtaining a license, while it is impossible to obtain a license for a foreigner.

A legal entity (for us it is LLC) can act on the basis of a standard charter. Model charters will be developed and approved by an authorized body. And information that the LLC applies the standard charter will be entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and, accordingly, will be contained there.

Problems in a company do not arise by themselves. The approach is most often individual.

If the business is not profitable, then there are specific reasons for this. The leader should not be afraid to admit mistakes and, having managed to find these reasons, quickly and decisively eliminate them. We are ready to make a multilateral analysis of your company and offer really good options for development.

If you have the opportunity and desire to be personally present at the execution of the constituent documents at the notary, then you can come to Warsaw for one day. A more convenient option for you is to issue a power of attorney for our representative - in this case, you will not need to come to Poland.

To open a travel company in Poland, in addition to a license, you must also have in the staff of the head of a travel agency with experience, as well as insurance to cover losses in the event of bankruptcy.

A VAT Declaration must be submitted to the tax Inspectorate on a monthly basis, and income tax reports must be submitted quarterly. When you hire employees for your Polish company, you will need to submit reports to the social insurance office (ZUS) every month. To avoid these concerns, it is more convenient to entrust the accounting of Your company to our company. Our employees will submit all necessary reports for You on time.

To open a company in Poland, a foreigner (natural person) must have a valid foreign passport. Residence permit, police clearance certificate, registration certificate, etc. are not required. If the owner is a legal entity, then an extract from the court register will also be required stating that the foreign company does not have registration numbers KRS and REGON.

First, you need to properly fill out the application and registration documents of your company. Secondly, it is necessary to conclude a lease agreement for a warehouse that has permission to store alcohol. You can also conclude an agreement with a regular warehouse, but then you will have to obtain permission from the sanitary-epidemiological service and the local administration to store alcohol in this warehouse.

First, you need to properly fill out the application and registration documents of your company. Secondly, it is necessary to conclude a lease agreement for a warehouse that has permission to store alcohol. You can also conclude an agreement with a regular warehouse, but then you will have to obtain permission from the sanitary-epidemiological service and the local administration to store alcohol in this warehouse.

A permit is not required for trade in industrial goods in Poland, of course, if it is not such strategic goods as oil, gas, weapons, alcohol, etc. But the seller needs to know the Polish legislation, in particular the laws "on responsibility to consumers", "on product safety", as their non-compliance has negative consequences. Also, when importing food, the seller must obtain a permit from the sanitary and epidemiological station. To find out what requirements apply to a particular product, you need to tell us the country of origin of the product, and then we will be able to provide you with specific information.

In Poland, legal entities must pay two main taxes - income tax and VAT. Income tax at the rate of 19% of net profit excluding VAT. VAT on most goods and services is 23%, on some goods (children's goods, housing construction, etc.) - 7%. We provide professional advice on the taxation of your Polish company.

The founder, together with the package of registration documents, submits to the National Court Register (KRS) a declaration that the authorized capital is available. After that, the authorized capital must be deposited into the cashier or to the bank account of the company.

If you urgently need a ready-made company, of course, it will be more profitable for you to buy a ready-made company with the kind of activity that you plan to do. Our ready-made companies are recently registered and have not yet conducted business, have a full package of registration documents, so you can be sure of their safety.

An LLC in Poland can carry out almost any type of activity. However, certain types of activities require a special permit or license. For example, this is the wholesale of alcoholic beverages, the tourist business or transport. When filling out an application for registration of a company in Poland, simply indicate the types of activities that your company plans to engage in, and we will inform you if a license is needed and how much it will cost.

Our company will help you buy a ready-made company in Poland. To do this, you just need to send us an application form for the purchase of a ready-made company. In the questionnaire, you must specify as much information as possible about the business you are interested in, so that our specialists can offer you the most optimal option. You can also choose the company you are interested in in the catalog of our ready-made companies.

To register an LLC in Poland, the share capital must be contributed. The minimum share capital amount is PLN 5,000 (EUR 1250).

To sell your company, you need to fill out a questionnaire and place an application for the sale of a ready-made business in Poland on our website. We will find a buyer for you in a short time, regardless of whether you are going to sell a shop, a travel agency or a construction company. You will also need to prepare your company for sale: withdraw funds from a bank account, collect accounting documents and reports, take a certificate of absence of debt.

If you are an individual, you have the right to register a company in Poland in your name and become its sole owner. At the same time, the presence of Polish citizens in the composition of the founders or the board is optional.

It is forbidden to create an LLC with a sole founder in Poland by a foreign legal entity with a sole owner.

The banking sector in Poland is very reliable. The banking security system BFG works. Deposit return guarantees. Low interest rate on leasing, tax advantages for leasing, car leasing back. The EBRD will partially compensate the costs incurred by the company for the implementation of the project, but not more than 70% and not more than 10,000 euros.


  1. Financing up to 90% of the cost of goods sold without collateral and immediately after the transaction.
  2. Offers favorable payment terms for buyers.
  3. Effective planning of cash flows and improving the company's liquidity.
  4. Excellent reputation and modern standards of work.

The minimum package of documents required to open an account for a legal entity:

  1. Constituent documents.
  2. Articles of Association.
  3. Information about the leaders and founders of the firm.
  4. Confirmation of the source of origin of funds.

Having an account allows:

1. Participate in international transactions.

2. Overcome customs barriers.

3. Will be able to invest in European projects.

4. Protect funds from arrests, freezing, etc.

Any person, regardless of citizenship, who has personal and economic interests in Poland (for example, living and working) and who stays in Poland for more than 183 days a year automatically becomes a tax resident and is obliged to pay taxes in Poland.

Direct taxes:

  1. Personal Income Tax (PIT).
  2. Corporate tax or corporate tax. persons (CIT).
  3. Inheritance and gift tax.
  4. Tax on civil actions (CLAT).
  5. Agricultural tax.
  6. Forest tax.
  7. Real estate tax.
  8. Tax on transport.
  9. Tonnage tax (international sea transport).
  10. Tax on the development of mineral resources. These taxes on vehicles, real estate, agricultural and forestry are local. Rates are approved by municipal councils within the limits set in the Local Tax Act.

Indirect taxes:

  1. VAT.
  2. Excise duty.
  3. Tax on games with cash or in-kind bets.
  4. Local communities - gminas - can impose their own taxes: resort and market tax, tax on dogs, advertising, etc.

Basic taxes:

  1. Income tax. The general rate is 19%. The tax base is standard: the difference between revenue and government-determined expenses.
  2. Value Added Tax (VAT). The rate of this tax is 0, 5, 8 and 23%. Socially important products and services are not subject to VAT. These are dairy products, postage, banking, insurance, medical services. This is science, culture, education. And, of course, export. 8% is in medicines, passenger transportation and hotelier services. 5% - in groceries, ready meals and some other items.
  3. Excise duty. Excise goods include oil products, electricity, alcohol, cigarettes, cars with engines over 2 thousand cm3.

A Nominee is, in fact, an outsider who, for a fee, will sign the necessary documents, including tax and other reports, and be present at various institutions and organizations if necessary.

A Beneficiary is a person who is the recipient of funds and to whom a monetary payment is made.

Income tax (corporate tax). The corporate tax rate is 19% of taxable income. Corporate tax is levied on tax residents of Poland, regardless of where the profit is made. Corporate tax is also levied on non-residents of Poland if they have made a profit in Poland.

VAT is a tax on goods and services that operates in Poland. This tax is also known in some countries as: value added tax (VAT).

The abbreviation used in Poland comes from the English - Value Added Tax and is used everywhere in Poland, replacing the traditional Polish abbreviation PTU - Podatek od Towarów i Usług.

VAT is an indirect tax that is included in the price of a product or service. De facto, the tax is paid by the consumer or the buyer, and the entrepreneur, receiving payment for the sold item or service, transfers the received tax to the treasury, thus settling with the Polish financial authorities (US).

The standard VAT tax rate is 23%. Reduced tax rates of 5% and 8% and 0% may apply to certain goods and services.

Stamp duty (opłata skarbowa) - a tax that must be paid when issuing a permit in the voivodeship.

Stamp duty is subject to, among other things:

  • The issuance of a temporary residence permit — 340 PLN.
  • Issue of temporary residence and work permit — 440 PLN.
  • Issuing a permanent residence permit — 640 PLN.
  • Issuing a residence permit for a long-term EU resident — 640 PLN.
  • Extending a national visa — 406 PLN.
  • Optional extension of a Schengen visa – 30 euros.
  • Other decision, other than the above-mentioned decisions, to which the provisions of the Administrative procedure code apply — 10 PLN.
  • Issuing a certificate — 17 PLN.
  • Drawing up a document defining the granting of authority, its duplicate, extract or copy — 17 PLN.

In addition, we note that the payment of stamp duty when making, say, a residence card, does not have to be made before submitting the document. The law establishes that the number of days allotted for payment of the fee is established by the department. However, this period cannot be less than 7 days, but also cannot exceed 14 days.

It is best to start a business in Poland for a Russian company as a small business firm to adapt to the conditions and taxation of the country.

Standard withholding tax rate is 20%. The objects of taxation with the withholding tax are: dividends paid by a company - resident of Poland to non-residents; interest; royalties and other types of compensation for the provision of services such as consulting, accounting and audit services, legal services, advertising services, recruiting services, management and control services, etc.

Dividends paid by a company resident in Poland to non-residents are subject to a reduced withholding tax rate of 19%. Under certain circumstances, dividends received by a company resident in Poland from another company resident in Poland or from companies resident in the EU / EEA or a Swiss company may be excluded from the tax base. So, for example, dividends received by a company that is a resident of Poland or a resident of an EU / European Economic Area / Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway are not subject to withholding tax, provided that such a company has not owned it for at least 2 years. less than 10% (or 25% for a Swiss company) shares.

The company is obliged to register as a VAT payer if:

  1. The company's annual turnover exceeds 150,000.00 PLN (approximately 35,000 euros).
  2. The annual turnover of the company is less than PLN 150,000.00, but the company has purchased goods for the year in excess of PLN 50,000.00.
  3. The company's annual turnover is less than PLN 150,000.00, but the company has acquired services in the country of the buyer of the services.
  4. The annual turnover of the company is less than 150,000.00 PLN, but the company provides services within the community, if the responsibility for the transaction lies with the purchaser of the services.
  5. As a general rule, foreign residents must register as a VAT payer.

The taxpayer is obliged to file a monthly tax return by the 25th day of the month following the month when the taxpayer becomes liable to pay VAT. Small taxpayers are required to file such a tax return by the 25th day of the month following the quarterly tax period in which the taxpayer became obliged to pay tax.

Transfer pricing is one of the tax planning tools and provides for the sale of goods and the provision of services between related parties at prices different from market prices. Transactions between residents and foreign residents must be subject to transfer pricing rules, namely the arm's length principle. According to the laws of Poland, legal entities are considered interdependent when one legal entity is directly or indirectly able to influence the decision-making of another legal entity or directly or indirectly controls another legal entity, or owns at least 5% of the shares of another legal entity.

If legal entities are interdependent, each interdependent legal entity must prepare a Transfer Pricing Policy document, in which it is necessary to reflect all transactions between such interdependent persons, the method of calculating prices, all possible risks. The purpose of drawing up such a document is to confirm that the conditions for concluding transactions between related parties are similar to the conditions for concluding the same transactions with third parties.

If desired, Polish taxpayers can apply to the Ministry of Finance with a request to conclude an Advanced Pricing Agreement upon approval by the Ministry of the Transfer Pricing Policy.

When carrying out tax control, legal entities are required to submit the Transfer Pricing Policy to the tax authority within 7 days from the date of receipt.

  1. Poland is not included in the List of states and territories that provide a preferential tax regime for taxation and (or) do not provide for the disclosure and provision of information during financial transactions (offshore zones). Under certain conditions, the profits of a CFC can be exempted from taxation in the Russian Federation.
  2. Poland is a white jurisdiction under the OECD list of jurisdictions.
  3. Poland is not included in the FATF blacklist.
  4. Poland signed the 1961 Hague Convention Abolishing the Legalization of Foreign Public Documents.
  5. An agreement has been concluded on the avoidance of double taxation between Poland and the Russian Federation.
  6. Tax rates are fixed.
  7. Poland is in a strategically advantageous geographic location. Thus, Poland is located in the very center of Europe, connecting the Western and Eastern parts of Europe.
  8. There is no exchange control for standard transactions with the EU countries, the European Economic Area, OECD countries and some other countries.
  9. The founder of an LLC may be a non-resident of Poland.
  10. There are ready-made companies for sale, as well as companies with a history of carrying out a certain business.

All activities are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Permitted activities that can be carried out without obtaining a license.
  2. Activities that can be carried out on the basis of a concession.
  3. Activities that can be carried out on the basis of a license / permit. Polish law requires a license to carry out nearly 30 types of activities. Licensed types of activities include: activities on domestic and international transport; forwarding activity; railway transportation activities; activities of travel agencies; private investigative and detective activities; activities in a special economic zone; banking, insurance, brokerage, investment and pension funds; wholesale trade and production of alcoholic beverages, casinos, lotteries and gambling business.
  4. Activities that can be carried out only on the basis of a special entry in the register of regulated activities. Polish law provides for 20 such activities, which include: maintaining archives of employees' personal documents; warehouse activities; activities in the field of telecommunications; production of alcoholic beverages; activities of recruiting agencies; organization of horse races.

In addition to the above classification, for the conduct of certain types of activities, Polish law requires the presence of certain certificates.

Director - one or more Polish or foreign natural persons who are members of the LLC or are third parties.

If the director is a resident of Russia does not plan to work in Poland, then a work permit is not required. Entry to Poland, if necessary, will be carried out on the basis of obtaining a Polish visa. There are general requirements of labor law, according to which a person who is not a citizen of Poland and the European Union must obtain a work permit and a residence permit to work in Poland. Citizens of the Russian Federation can be employed without obtaining a work permit for a period not exceeding 6 months within 12 consecutive months on the basis of a statement of intent to entrust work by a foreigner (visa D). After this period, a resident of Russia can apply for a temporary work permit, and then get a residence permit.

An LLC can be established by one or more founders. The founders of an LLC can be individuals or legal entities.

By law, a foreign (non-EU) founder is allowed to establish no more than 4-6 companies in Poland.

The appointment of a secretary is optional.

The data is not public, is not disclosed to third parties, it can be requested during the establishment of the company within the framework of the KYC procedure by the serving lawyer and the bank when opening an account.

The minimum share capital of an LLC is PLN 5,000.00 (approximately EUR 1,180) with a minimum par value of each share of PLN 50.00 (approximately EUR 11). The authorized capital can be formed by contributions of a monetary and non-monetary nature.

According to the law, the authorized capital of an LLC must be fully paid before submitting all documents for registration. However, in Poland this requirement is formal.

When registering an LLC, the director signs a declaration of contributions to the authorized capital in full and this application is submitted to the register of companies, this is usually enough to establish a company.

After the end of the registration process, the LLC must pay capital tax at the rate of 0.5% of the authorized capital.

Shares: The minimum par value of a share cannot be less than 50.00 PLN (approximately 11 Euro).

As a general rule, members of an LLC can transfer their shares in this LLC. The charter of the LLC may provide for restrictions on the transfer of a share. Thus, the Charter may contain provisions on the need to obtain the consent of the LLC participants to transfer the share. Also, the Charter may provide for the preemptive right to acquire a share by LLC participants.

At the moment, it is rather difficult to open an account for a foreign company in the EU. Banks check the documents very carefully and may refuse for formal reasons. Our company provides services for opening accounts for legal entities. persons and individuals persons in banks in the EU, CIS, Great Britain and in a number of offshore zones. You will receive a free consultation from our specialist in foreign economic activity, and thanks to many years of experience, we give a guarantee of opening an account in the region of your choice.

Problems in a company do not arise by themselves. The approach is most often individual.

If the business is not profitable, then there are specific reasons for this. The leader should not be afraid to admit mistakes and, having managed to find these reasons, quickly and decisively eliminate them. We are ready to make a multilateral analysis of your company and offer really good options for development.

Problems in a company do not arise by themselves. The approach is most often individual.

If the business is not profitable, then there are specific reasons for this. The leader should not be afraid to admit mistakes and, having managed to find these reasons, quickly and decisively eliminate them. We are ready to make a multilateral analysis of your company and offer really good options for development.